Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Remember Nelson

"I Remember Nelson" was a short, less-than-brilliant film plagued by the common problems of made-for-TV movies. From the perspective of a common gunner on the HMS Victory, the film attempts to portray how this great man was remembered by his common sailors. All in all, it falls short of the mark, delivering a rather choppy version of events made worse by bad acting and even worse effects. Disregarding these faults, the story itself is interesting. Being privy to Nelson's final words and seeing his last moments brings forth empathy, despite the less than astounding theatrical performance. The film brings the ordinariness back to Nelson, cutting through the aura of brilliance and exposing the mortal within. Whatever the repercussions the death of this great man on a global scale, his last breath is still that of a dying man, great or small, important or obscure.

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