“The Lady With the Lamp” is an emotional portrayal of the life of the amazing Florence Nightingale. Though the real Florence did not quite have the stunning beauty of the actress who portrayed her, the tale told by this film is poignant and touching.
Florence Nightingale |
Meeting Florence as a young woman in her prime, the viewer immediately sees that she has a strong character, rather out of place in male-dominated London. As she grows more and more restless, Florence meets the rather remarkable Richard Milnes, to whom she tells all her frustrations. She heard a call from God, and neither society nor her family can stop her from pursuing her calling. She wants to help people.
Despite opposition from her family members, Florence goes to nursing school to better understand how to care for the sick. Returning home, she takes over the hospital in town, disgusting and poorly maintained. Slowly but surely she betters the patients’ care and increases their survival rates. But even as she succeeds in cleaning up the abomination that London saw fit to call a hospital, still she is not satisfied that she has fulfilled her calling. She takes her rebellion a step further, determined to follow British soldiers to Scutari.
Florence Nightingale’s remarkable story is told with all its heartbreaking qualities, including turning down the man she loved in order to better fulfill her call from God. “The Lady With the Lamp” is a good film for all who want to know more about the remarkable young woman who followed her heart against all opposition.
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